GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems. GIS data is used for many applications across many fields. Want to know where to locate new stores? Want to analyze weather patterns? GIS has you covered. Many different organizations use GIS to conduct inquiries about locations, movement, and patterns of data that can be recorded from satellites. GIS software is a system that stores information about our world in a way that you can manipulate to find answers, usually in map form. Spatial Data is a vital part of working in the science community as well as business, plus a wide variety of other applications. Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an increasingly sought after skill in industries from agriculture to public health. We will teach the skills you need to successfully use GIS software in a professional setting. You will learn how to analyze your spatial data, use cartography techniques to communicate your results in maps, and collaborate with peers in GIS and GIS-dependent fields. In the final Capstone Project, you will create a professional-quality GIS portfolio piece using a combination of data identification and collection, analytical map development, and spatial analysis techniques.

Learn GIS

Geospatial data can help with economic development. It can be a tool for scientific inquiry. It’s part of a system that allows countries to conduct military operations. Whatever your interest, learning about GIS technology could be an opening to a fulfilling career. GIS Maps can help your business build information about vital operations from a global perspective. And not only that, but it makes social justice or environmental work possible. A global perspective is essential for location services, transportation and logistics, engineering, planning, large scale management, and a range of other things.

GIS Courses

Learning how to work with Geospatial Data is an excellent way to open doors for a future career. Much of the data is open source and can aid decision making whether for a business, NGO, or nonprofit. GIS applications are an integral part of a global society, so now is a great time to jump in and learn their ins and outs. Courses can teach you how to manage extensive public services such as utilities or to monitor delicate natural resources. Aerial photographs reveal the land cover and any relevant changes throughout a business or migration of people. Learning how to manipulate the map layers to receive the data you need helps organizations stay up to date on locations requiring such monitoring, or begin to explore areas that are closed to humans or challenging to reach. .

How GIS Helps Us Monitor Operations

GIS helps careers that require large amounts of geographic data to make informed decisions. NASA monitors the weather, for example, for launch best practices. Public works use GIS data to make decisions about policy. Companies like ESRI have pioneered this technology, forever replacing paper maps with updatable information about the land and changes to it. Building a career within this system is an excellent way to contribute to projects that affect not just local communities, but society on a large scale. Land use, public safety, disaster patterns, whatever the project, GIS information technology can get us up to date and provide reliable information for large scale works.

Softwares Will Be Covered Under GIS Course

• Arc GIS
• AutoCAD MAP/ AutoCAD 2D & 3D
• Civil 3D